The Return of Tarique Rahman and Democracy in New Bangladesh

A leader in exile, Rahman has always shown deep compassion for the youth of the nation.
The Return of Tarique Rahman and Democracy in New Bangladesh
The Return of Tarique Rahman and Democracy in New Bangladesh
Updated on
Masum Billah, Dhaka

As the first light of a new sun rises over Bangladesh, it signifies not just the beginning of a new day but the dawn of a new era. An era marked by the flight of long-time dictator Sheikh Hasina, who fled the country under the overwhelming pressure of a popular uprising led by students and citizens. This national movement aims to establish democracy, uphold human rights, and enforce the rule of law, ensuring every citizen can access jobs and government services without discrimination. The oppressive regime, which had transformed Bangladesh into a North Korea-like state with Awami League Party members as the upper echelon of society, has been toppled. The people of Bangladesh have taken a decisive stand against discrimination and tyranny.

At the heart of this transformative wave stands Tarique Rahman, the Acting President of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). A leader in exile, Rahman has always shown deep compassion for the youth of the nation. During the last tenure of the BNP in power, he forged a strong bond with the younger generation. Though the oppressive military regime and Sheikh Hasina’s government prevented him from maintaining physical contact with the youth after the fall of BNP from power, his speeches and political ideas were widely shared on social media, earning him the respect and admiration of Generation Z. These young people, who yearn for democracy and patriotism, see Rahman as a symbol of hope and renewal for their country.

For the past 15 years, the BNP has endured severe repression as a political entity in Bangladesh. Once a ruling party, it faced relentless persecution under Sheikh Hasina’s regime, which used the pretext of “fighting against terrorism” to justify its actions. Estimates suggest that around 1,000 party members were killed and about 5 million were arrested, as law enforcement agencies were weaponized to eliminate the BNP from the political landscape. The party and its leadership were haunted by torture, enforced disappearances, and extrajudicial killings. Tarique Rahman, separated from his mother Khaleda Zia, a former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, lived under the constant threat of arrest or assassination if he returned to Dhaka.

Yet, in the face of such adversity, the spirit of the BNP and its supporters remained unbroken. The resilience of the people, especially the youth, created an atmosphere ripe for the return of democracy. Now, as the country breathes the air of freedom, Tarique Rahman’s presence is more crucial than ever. The youth of Bangladesh have placed their trust in him to lead this nascent democracy, believing in his ability to bring peace and prosperity to the nation. They see him as a battle-hardened leader, a beacon of hope who can guide Bangladesh towards a future of dignity, prosperity, and security.

The youth, inspired by the ideals of democracy and patriotism espoused by Tarique Rahman, played a pivotal role in this movement. Despite the physical absence of their leader, his words and ideas resonated deeply with them. They saw in him a leader who understood their aspirations, who shared their vision for a better Bangladesh. This connection was nurtured through social media, where Rahman’s speeches and political ideas were disseminated widely, reinforcing his bond with the younger generation.

The nation eagerly awaits his arrival from exile, and the anticipation is palpable. The streets are filled with people ready to welcome their leader, their faces alight with hope and determination. Tarique Rahman’s return is not just a political event; it is a symbol of the triumph of democracy over dictatorship, of the will of the people prevailing over oppression. His arrival marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Bangladesh, one that promises to elevate the country to new heights. The people are ready to embark on this new journey, to build a democratic and just society where every citizen can thrive. Tarique Rahman’s return is not just a homecoming; it is a testament to the resilience and determination of the people of Bangladesh, a celebration of their hard-won freedom.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of tyranny and oppression, the people, having cast off the shackles of dictatorship, are ready to forge a new path towards democracy and justice under the leadership of Tarique Rahman. Together, they will build a future where every citizen can enjoy the rights and opportunities they deserve, where democracy and the rule of law prevail, and where Bangladesh can shine as a beacon of freedom and prosperity in the world.

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