Sealed Quotation affixing non-refundable court fee stamps of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and paisa twenty five) only eventually drawn up in K-2/H/F-2 form are hereby invited from the registered contractor Class- (A,B,C) of this Department, Class-Il of Superintending Engineer, Hailakandi W.R. Circle and Class-ill of this Division for Cost of materials/ Hire charge of Materials for the year 2022-23 under Hailakandi W.R. Division and will be received by the undersigned in his office up to 2.00 P.M on 27-04-2022 and will be open on the same date, time and places intending. Quotationers or their authorized agent who like to remain present during the time of opening the quotation. In case the date fixed declare as Holiday/ Bondh, the quotation will be received on next working day up to 2.00 P.M. and will be open on the date, time and places.
Location of Work: In different embankment/ Bundh, Drainage channel, sluice culvert and erosion reach etc. under the jurisdiction of the Hailakandi WR. Division.
Time of completion: As per necessary at site/ as directed.
Payment: Payment will be made subject to availability of fund released
by the higher authority.
Details may be seen in the office of the undersigned or office of the Assit. Executive Engineer, Hailakandi/ Lala W.R. Sub-Division, Hailakandi / Lala during the office hours in all working day till the date & time.
1. The undersigned reserved the right to cancel all or any Quotation.
2. Rate should be quoted both figure & words else quotation will be rejected.
3. Registered contractor should clearly mention their Regn. No., Labour license
No., PAN, GST No. etc. (to be enclosed the attested copies of the same) & full address else quotation will be rejected.
4. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept any lowest quoted rate.
5. The undersigned reserved the right to distribute the work as a whole or may split up to the same at their discretion.
All other terms & conditions are as per printed K-2/F-2/H form of tender agreement.
Assam Tender