The Tripura High Court on Friday asked the state government to file an affidavit answering certain queries related to Covid-19 cases in the state by September 18, a Hindustan Times report said.
Taking up the case of alleged sufferings of COVID-19 patients at Agartala-based Govind Ballabh Pant (GBP) hospital suo motto, the court's division bench led by chief justice Akil Kureshi and justice Subhasish Talapatra asked the state government to respond.
GBP is also a dedicated COVID care centre in Agartala.
The court order read, "….Recent newspaper reports, particularly, those published in vernacular language have reported the plight of the patients and relatives of those who have tested positive for the virus. Certain shortcomings in the public health care system are projected. …This Court is of the opinion that the time has come when the court needs to make inquiries from the government with respect to the issues revolving around the handling of coronavirus spread in the state and more particularly, of providing health care to those who have tested positive."
The state government needs to answer on several matters including the number of active COVID-19 cases, number of COVID care centres with doctors and nurses, alleged lack of communication between doctors and COVID patients and relatives