In a tragic turn of events, the body of a young man has been discovered in Nowjan village, Sivasagar town. Identified as Bablu Barman, aged 25, the deceased was found in a room rented by Rahul Kumar, located within the residence of Sarumai Barman.
Preliminary investigations suggest that Bablu Barman may have succumbed to an overdose of drugs. The police recovered a drug syringe and two empty containers from the scene, indicating possible drug consumption.
Prior to his demise, Bablu Barman was involved in a confrontation with Rahul Kumar, the tenant of the room. The altercation reportedly arose due to a dispute over the shortage of drugs. Rahul Kumar's call records further substantiate claims of a scuffle between the two concerning the drug supply.
The body of the deceased has been transferred to Sivasagar Civil Hospital for postmortem examination as Sivasagar police continue their inquiries into this tragic incident.
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