Continuous downpour over the past few days has triggered massive landslide in Gorchuk and Deepor Beel where two persons were severely injured. The injured Narayan Shah of Gorchuk has been admitted to Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).
Thelandslide occurred when a huge stone from the hill has fallen into the house ofNarayan Shah.
Onthe other hand, another person named Nirmal Das has been severely injured whengigantic stones have fallen into the house of Hemanta Das and Jiten Das atMatiapar, Notunbasti area in Deepor Beel.
The haphazard human activity like wanton earth cutting leads to downslopemovement of rocks, debris and earth under the influence of gravity and alsotriggers processes like heavy rain, storms, cyclones, floods, earthquake etc.The sudden movement of materials causes excessive damage to the downwardsettlement. If haphazard, unscientific and unplanned earth cutting and earthfilling are allowed to continue unhindered in the city it may causecatastrophe, mishap and calamity of great magnitude in this district puttingthe public in general in situation of great inconvenience and hardship.