Four workersof Kapili Hydro-power still went missing on its third day after a pipelinecarrying water to the 275 MW hydel project in Dima Hasao district burst onMonday.
Four persons still feared trapped inside a pump. Although the water level in the Kapili River rises due to the burst of water pipe, it reduced a bit on Wednesday.
A high-level team of NEEPCO will visit the hydro-power project today to take stock of the situation.
Thepipe supplies 12000 liters of water per second from the NEEPCO reservoir toKapili hydro-power. The repairing work of the pipe was done last year and afterthat, no repairing was done resulting in the break-down of the pipe causinginjury to many people.
Accordingto reports, the pipe breaks down in the same place where the repairing wasdone.