In a move to make 'Asomiya Gamusa' a renowned entity across the world, Hajj pilgrims from Assam will wear a gamusa while on their holy journey to Mecca and Medina.
The decision was first proposed by Northeast Hajj Pilgrims Coordination Committee (NEHPCC) and has been now approved by the Assam government.
"There are two main motives behind the decision to let our pilgrims from Assam carry a gamusa. The decision will help people of Assam to easily identify and stay connected with their own kind among the 80-90 lakh pilgrims from across the world. The second reason is to promote the Gamusa and Assamese culture worldwide", Nekibur Zaman, Working Chairman of NEHPCC said.
Meanwhile, Minister of Handloom, Irrigation and Textiles Ranjit Dutta has approved this decision and has already ordered for production of 4,000 brand new gamusas to provide to the pilgrims.
The Committee also informed that training for the Hajj pilgrims has now been postponed to June 30 and July 31 in Silchar due to the ongoing flood situation in the valley.
In Guwahati, the training will take place on the same date at Hajji Musafir Khana.