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Assam Sahitya sabha logo

Assam Sahitya Sabha Completely Digitalised

Readers can get access to the site by logging in to Classic novels, valuable magazines, story books, among others will be available in the digital platform.
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In a bid to digitalize the Assam Sahitya Sabha, a digital platform was released at an official function held at the Sahitya Sabha Bhawan today.

From now on, Assam Sahitya Sabha will be available in the internet.

Readers can get access to the site by logging in to Classic novels, valuable magazines, story books, among others will be available in the digital platform.

Apart from that, folk tales can be assessed in the website and other important books will be available at

On the other hand, Assam Sahitya Sabha also opened its official YouTube channel today. Various news and information related to the Sahitya Sabha will be available in the YouTube channel.

Vice Chancellor of the Cotton University Bhabesh Chandra Goswami, Managing Director of AMTRON, MK Yadav, Senior journalists of Assam Mrinal Talukdar and Zarir Hussain were among noted people who attended the official ceremony held at the Sahitya Sabha Bhawan.

Pratidin Time