The World's 10 Oldest Living Trees - 9550 Years Old

Pratidin Bureau

It is difficult to accurately determine the ages of many trees, and there may be older trees out there that have not yet been discovered or accurately dated. However, here is a list of some of the oldest trees that have been reliably dated.

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Old Tjikko

Age: 9550 years old

Located at: Fulufjället Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden.

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Jōmon sugi

Age: 7200 years old

Located at: Yakushima in Japan

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Age: 5000 years old

Located at: White Mountains of California

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Age: 4800 years old

Located at: Wheeler Peak in eastern Nevada, United States

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Llangernyw Yew

Age: 4000 years old

Located at: village of Llangernyw, Conwy, North Wales

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The Sarv-e Abarqu

Age: 4000 years old

Located at: Abarkuh in Yazd Province of Iran

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The Senator

Age: 3500 years old

Located at: Big Tree Park, Longwood, Florida

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The Patriarch

Age: 3200 years old

Located at: California

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General Sherman Tree

Age: estimated 2500 years old

Located at: Sequoia National Park, California

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The Tree of Life

Age: estimated 2000 years old

Located at: Botswana

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