Horoscope Today, September 8: Check Tarot Readings For Your Zodiac

Pratidin Time

Tarot card – The Hierophant – Today use your inner strength to overcome obstacles. This week people will seek guidance or suggestion from you. Be kind and humble to yourself and other people. Career wise you can choose for engineering, advisor, teacher.

Angel Message – New Beginnings  and peace

Lucky Color –Yellow and green

Lucky Number – 1


Tarot Card – 4 OF CUPS  – Today concentrate on yourself. Time for you to reanalyze your decision. Believe in universe good times is about to start. Financially little ok but don’t worry by Friday you will get things.

Angel Message – Spent some time with yourself

Lucky Color –  Yellow

Lucky Number – 3


Tarot Card – King of Wands – Today you will be very action oriented .Business will bring new opportunity in your life. Financially you will be very stable. Move on if things don’t work according to you.

Angel Message – Stay calm

Lucky Color –   Orange and Green

Lucky Number – 3


Tarot Card- 4 OF SWORDS – Time for you to take some rest and reset yourself. Travel is on the cards. Spent some time with yourself. Balance your emotions. Financially be careful with your spending .

Angel Message – Connect yourself with nature

Lucky Color – Green  

Lucky Number – 3


Tarot Card – The Star – Today you wishes will come true .You will be balanced and plenty from all direction. You will be in good state of mind. share your new ideas in work or business. Financially you will be stable.

Angel Message – Trust your intuition.

Lucky Color – Blue

Lucky Number- 9


Tarot Card- 10 of Pentacles – There will be abundance in terms of wealth. Take advice from your elders and give them a good listen. You will get good results of your hard work or investment. Pay homage to your ancestors.

Angel Message – Be grateful for everything that you have

Lucky Color – Green

Lucky Number –1


Tarot Card- Two of wands  - Time travel and enjoy some time. New business opportunity are on the cards. Promotions in work will bring happiness to your life. Student planning to go outside can now apply or get news of their enrollment. Use you positive and humble nature to conquer the world.

Angel Message – Spread love  

Lucky Color – Red and orange

Lucky Number – 3


Tarot Card - 2 of Cups – Today you will be the centre of love affection and joy. This week is great in business in partnership..New person will come to your life. Romantically your partner will be happy with you. Financially cash flow is great, you will be in receiving end. New beginnings and opportunity knocks the door.

Angel Message – Enjoy the moment

Lucky Color – White  

Lucky Number – 9


Tarot Card – King Of swords – Today your honesty will bring positivity to your life. Business wise you will be in profitable side.Use your efficiency to do the work.Dont be rude to anyone. Manage your temper..

Angel Message – stay calm

Lucky Color – White    

Lucky Number –5


Tarot Card - Death - Today something old and sad phase will over. Time for some new beginnings. Let your past go. Don’t crib about your past live in the moment. Surrender yourself to the time. Finacially take care of your money ,try to save as much as you can.

Angel Message – Control your temper.

Lucky Color – White and green  

Lucky Number – 3 and 9


Tarot Card – 6 Of wands  -Victory is on the cards. You will get good results of your hard work. Your hardwork and efforts will bring joy and success to your life. Good time to invest. Promotion or salary hike is on the cards.

Angel Message – Set Your Goals.

Lucky Color  – yellow

Lucky Number - 5


Tarot Card – The Fool Today will be full of new opportunity and new beginnings. Take leap of faith and trust yourself. Go with flow universe will support you. Take care of your expenses.

Angel Message – Enjoy the moment

Lucky Color – Orange  and red        

Lucky Number – 1


Hey lovely people that’s it for today. Always remember, the universe has got your back. So just ask for it and you will receive what you desire.

Follow me at Mediumofmiracle555 @insta

RJ Aaliya