Horoscope Today, July 20: Check Tarot Readings For Your Zodiac

Pratidin Time

Tarot card – The Star – Today you will be in a very balanced state of mind. Things will be easy and result-oriented for you. New people will show up. Financially you will be happy. Have a great day.

Angel Message – Stay grounded.   

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – The Magician Your wish is the universe's command. Today is great day for you. Financial abundance and emotionally you will be very stable. New work will bring joy and happiness.

Angel Message – Do some meditation.

Lucky Color – Green

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card – The Moon – Take care of your anger and ego. People you love may misunderstand you so be careful. Take care of your spending. Emotionally you may feel a little low.

Angel Message – Stay calm.  

Lucky Color – Brown

Lucky Number – 9


Tarot Card – Two Swords Open your eyes and heart and see the reality. Remember suffering is a choice so accept the truth and move on. Don't blame yourself for anything. Avoid overthinking. Financially take care of your money.

Angel Message – Release your fears.

Lucky Color – Blue

Lucky Number – 9


Tarot Card – Wheel of Fortune – Bad phase of your life comes to an end. New things are coming. Release your fear and anger. Ready for positive change. Financially great day and emotionally you will feel good.

Angel Message – Be grateful.

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 8


Tarot Card – 8 of Wands – Today is a great day for you. Express yourself. In work or professional life, you will get success and joy. Move forward to complete your goal. Financially its a great day.

Angel Message – Do some meditation.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 2


Tarot Card – 3 of Wands – Today is a great day to expand your work or business. New possibilities are on their way. Plan your future. Be humble. Financially its a great day.

Angel Message – Trust your intuition.  

Lucky Color – Blue

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card – 9 of Swords Don’t listen to others. Don’t let others manipulate you. Listen to yourself. Avoid fights and arguments. Let go of things and don’t live in past. Financially check your spending.

Angel Message – Stay calm.

Lucky Color – Green       

Lucky Number – 9


Tarot Card – 4 of Cups – Let go of the past. Let new people come into life. Reconsider your decision. Accept the situation and move on. Take care of your spending. Emotionally you will be drained out.

Angel Message – Wait and be patient.

Lucky Color – Blue      

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card – Kings of Pentacles Travel is there today. Success is on the cards. Good news for the couples.  Good day to expand your business. A child will bring happiness to your life.

Angel Message – Enjoy the moment.

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – 10 of Wands – You might get through emotional issues, past issues or current but take care of your emotions. Let go of people and things. Don’t make any financial investment. Do some meditation.

Angel Message – Believe in yourself.

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card – The Hermit Take rest and reconsider your decision. Today will be a little anxious. Don’t make any major decisions today. Emotionally you will be a little unstable.

Angel Message – Stay calm.

Lucky Color – Orange   

Lucky Number – 5


Hello lovely souls, I am RJ Aaliya, a tarot reader, a clairvoyant and a psychic medium who will deviate you to attract an abundance of prosperity, love and peace for July 20. You can reach me at - 6000652920.

RJ Aaliya