FIR Filed Against Assam YouTuber for Promoting Superstitions

This action comes in response to a recent podcast episode aired on September 21, 2024, which presented alarming themes around the worship of the devil.
FIR Filed Against Assam YouTuber for Promoting Superstitions
FIR Filed Against Assam YouTuber for Promoting Superstitions
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In a significant move to combat the spread of superstitions in society, the Assam Public Works has registered a case against the YouTube channel Jumping Spider Studio at the Chandmari Police Station.

This action comes in response to a recent podcast episode aired on September 21, 2024, which presented alarming themes around the worship of the devil.

The FIR, submitted on September 26,highlights the grave concerns surrounding the channel's content, particularly its portrayal of a so-called sinister organization known as the Illuminati. The video purportedly discussed disturbing practices attributed to this group, including violent depictions of child sacrifice and blood rituals, raising significant alarms about its potential impact on vulnerable audiences, particularly children.

The FIR reads:

"Recently, it has come to our notice that certain individuals are propagating superstitions under the guise of a podcast. The video released by Jumping Spider Studio describes heinous activities associated with the Illuminati, hosted by a woman named Himashree Saikia. The content includes frightening narratives about children being subjected to terrifying rituals, contributing to a climate of fear and misinformation in our society."

The Assam Public Works emphasized the urgent need for action, stating, “At a time when children in Assam are increasingly consuming content on their mobile devices, the spread of such superstitions is detrimental to their well-being and poses a significant risk to societal harmony. Given the existing issues of drug abuse and violence misleading the youth, this content appears to deliberately propagate the influence of dangerous ideologies.”

The organization has called for a thorough investigation into the matter, demanding strict measures against any content that incites superstition and undermines the stability of a healthy social environment.

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