Horoscope Today, September 26: Check Tarot Readings For Your Zodiac

Pratidin Time

Tarot card – The Fool – New beginnings and good news on their way. Trust yourself. Move forward, great day to take decisions of professional and personal life.

Angel Message – Be calm.

Lucky Color – White  

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – The Hemit – Take rest, analyze and reconsider your decisions. Don’t be a part of any argument or fight. Distance yourself from any situation or person of your life. Time to reconnect and rewire yourself. Health-wise take proper rest and sleep.

Angel Message – Don’t worry trust the universe.

Lucky Color – Pink

Lucky Number – 2


Tarot Card – The Sun – New ideas will bring prosperity in life and work. Amazing day it is. Whatever you do whichever direction you go, you will receive best results and good news. Best time to start a new relationship or work. Health-wise you just need to enjoy life.

Angel Message – Spend some time in nature.   

Lucky Color – Orange and Yellow   

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – The Lover – Amazing day it is. New relationship on the cards. You will create positive impact in everyone’s life. Work-life will be full of ease and glory. Health-wise enjoy your day.

Angel Message – Spread love, light and smile in people's life.

Lucky Color – Red and Pink   

Lucky Number – 2


Tarot Card – Ace of Cups – You will get ample opportunities from all directions. Emotionally, it’s a stable day but be careful with whom you are sharing your secret. Health-wise drink lots of water.

Angel Message – You will get many options, choose wisely.

Lucky Color – Blue  

Lucky Number – 2


Tarot Card – Judgment – Past issues may create problems in life. Avoid arguments. Listen to your elders. Health-wise past health issue may arise  be careful, control your food habits.

Angel Message – Time for you to decide what you really want in life.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 7


Tarot Card – 4 of Wands – Time to celebrate. You will get good news. You will meet old friend. Spend time with your loved ones. Health-wise relax and enjoy.

Angel Message – Read your favorite book.    

Lucky Color – Green

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card – 6 of Pentacles – Donate something today. Good flow of money. Time to spend some time with your elder or senior person. Health-wise blance your diet.

Angel Message – Listen to some good music.

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – 3 of Cups – Celebrate your victory. Good time for partnerships in business. Success is on the cards. Health-wise check your eating habits and avoid spicy food.

Angel Message – Abundance from all the directions.  

Lucky Color – Red and Yellow       

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card – 2 of Pentacles Money will come and go. Situation in life will be confusing so don’t take any decision. Don’t invest now. Health wise you may feel very low today.

Angel Message – Speak up, silence is a sign of acceptance.    

Lucky Color – Yellow       

Lucky Number – 2


Tarot Card – The Tower   Long and old pattern in life will break. You will be shaken to the core so that you are awakened and take decisions. Avoid heights. Health-wise avoid getting over worked and walk.  

Angel Message – Take rest and read your favorite book.

Lucky Color – Pink       

Lucky Number – 8


Tarot Card – Strength   You will get courage to face any situation today and also you can speak your heart out. With your abilities you can tame any situation. Heath-wise control your anger.

Angel Message – Talk and open up all your issues, they will be solved.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 1


Hello lovely souls, I am RJ Aaliya, a tarot reader, a clairvoyant and a psychic medium who will deviate you to attract an abundance of prosperity, love and peace for September 26. You can reach me at - 6000652920.

RJ Aaliya